MasterLife 1: Disciple’s Cross (Intro Review)
(Mid-week message for House Church and individual use: preached 2/7 – 2/13/2021)
(Taught by Brother Eric, Wednesday Evening, February 10, 2021)
We reviewed the introduction to the book (which focused on John 15:1-17).
This week, please prayerfully…
Buy* the book (click the button for the version that you want);
- Complete pages 7 – 9, if not already done;
- Then complete daily activities on pages 10 – 30; and
- Fill in your responses.
Next Wednesday, please…
- Bring your completed answers to pages 10 through 30; and
- Pray to grow in faith, hope and especially in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
See you then!
* Note: We earn no money from your purchase of this book. If you prefer, we will buy it for you. Just let us know!