What Is Real?
(Sunday message for House Church and individual use: preached 6/20 – 6/26/2021)
“And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,”
(Acts 2:46)
Interlinear Greek-English:
Kath’ hēmeran te proskarterountes homothymadon en to hiero klōntes
Καθ’ ἡμέραν τε προσκαρτεροῦντες ὁμοθυμαδὸν ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ , κλῶντές
Every day and steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple breaking
te kat’ oikon arton metelambanon trophies en agalliasei kai
τε κατ’ οἶκον ἄρτον , μετελάμβανον τροφῆς ἐν ἀγαλλιάσει καὶ
then at each house bread they were partaking of food with gladness and
apheloteti kardias
ἀφελότητι καρδίας ,
sincerity of heart
(“Bible > Interlinear > Acts 2:46.” Acts 2:46, Bible Hub, 2004 – 2021, Accessed 19 Jun3 2021, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, https://biblehub.com/interlinear/acts/2-46.html. Accessed 19 June 2021.)
Apology to those outside of Christ for our wrong portrayal of our great Lord’s example.
I. Daily consistent Christianity is real!
“Every day and steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple breaking then at each house bread they were partaking of food with gladness and sincerity of heart,” (Acts 2:46, Interlinear Greek-English)
II. Socially united Christianity is real!
“Every day and steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple breaking then at each house bread they were partaking of food with gladness and sincerity of heart,” (Acts 2:46, Interlinear Greek-English)
III. Lovingly intimate Christianity is real!
“Every day and steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple breaking then at each house bread they were partaking of food with gladness and sincerity of heart,” (Acts 2:46, Interlinear Greek-English)
“Praising – God and having favor with all the people – And the Lord kept adding those who were being saved every day to their number.” (Acts 2:47, Interlinear Greek-English)
What Is Real?
“Every day and steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple breaking then at each house bread they were partaking of food with gladness and sincerity of heart,” (Acts 2:46, Interlinear Greek-English)
I. Daily consistent Christianity is real!
II. Socially united Christianity is real!
III. Lovingly intimate Christianity is real!
“Praising – God and having favor with all the people – And the Lord kept adding those who were being saved every day to their number.” (Acts 2:47, Interlinear Greek-English)
Put on at 11:57 a.m. exactly:
The Love of God – Mercy Me [With Lyrics]
Special Presentation for Father’s Day:
Reflections on Raising God – Kyle Bullock
Hymn for all to sing:
Here Is Love, Vast as the Ocean – Robin Mark
Before the Message:
They Will Know We Are Christians by Our Love – KING & COUNTRY (Lyrics)
- + + SUNDAY NIGHT + + +
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus – Selah
Cinematic Presentation: