Why Salt the Members of the Church?

Why Salt the Members of the Church?

(A Message to the Members)

(Preached Wednesday Evening,May 6, 2020)

“If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema [let him be accursed] Maranatha [Come, O  Lord!].”

(1 Corinthians 16:22)

Whose are we? Are we not his?

According to “The New International Dictionary of the Bible”, this is the definition of a Christian.

“CHRISTIAN (Gr. Christianos). The biblical meaning is “adherent of Christ.” The disciples were formally called Christians first in Antioch (Acts 11:26). Agrippa recognized that to believe what Paul preached would make him a Christian (Acts 26:28). Peter accepted the name as in itself a basis for persecution (! Peter 4;16). Thus gradually a name imposed by Gentiles was adopted by the disciples of Jesus. Some Jews had referred to them as “the Nazarene sect (Acts 24:5); and Paul, when he was a persecutor, referred to them as those “who belonged to the Way” Acts 9:2). The Latin termination -ianos, widely used throughout the empire, often designated the slaves of the one with whose name it was compounded. This implication occurs in the NT (e.g. Rom 6:22; 1 Peter 2:16). The apostles wrote of themselves as servants (slaves) of Christ (Rom 1:1; James 1:1; 2 Peter 1:1; Jude 1; Rev 1:1). The NT calls the followers of Christ brothers (Acts 14:2); disciples (6:1-2); saints (Acts 9:13; Rom 1;7; 1 Cor 1:2; believers (1 Tim 4:12); the church of God (Acts 20:28); all who call on your name (Acts 9:14; Rom 10:12 – 13).. To the first Christians, their own name mattered no at all; their concern was with the one Name of Jesus Christ (Acts 3:16; 4:10,12; 5:28). Inevitably, the name that they invoked was given to them: Christians, Christ’s men. Its NT meaning is alone adequate for us.” (“The New International Dictionary of the Bible.” The New International Dictionary of the Bible, by Merrill C. Tenney and J. D. Douglas, Regency Reference Library, 1987, p. 210.)

I. Their culture and environment must be salted with Christ.

     A. Leader

      1. A follower’s personality vs. Jesus’ personality
        • Rockstar vs. Jesus is the star
        • Attitude
        • Likes
        • Dislikes
        • Mood

      B. Benefactor

          • People/peers

II. Their practice and methods must be salted with Christ.

III. The support/background of their work must be salted with Christ.

IV. The outlook and future of their work must be salted with Christ.



Why Salt the Members of the Church (1 Corinthians 16:22)

  1. Their culture and environment must be salted with Christ.
  2. Their practice and methods must be salted with Christ.
  3. The support and background of their work must be salted with Christ.
  4. The outlook and future of their work must be salted with Christ.